October 24, 2018
We often hear from ladies that they would like to give triathlons a go but sometimes feel intimidated to take the first step. We are very excited to announce the introduction of a ladies only session on Saturday mornings. The session will be for 2 hours – 6.30am – 8.30am. We are hoping to encourage more participation in the sport we love from mums, daughters, grand daughters, sisters, nieces, friends etc. Spread the word and come along and give it a go. No experience necessary! The sessions will be coached by qualified coaches with many years of experience both coaching and racing. The coaches will guide you through the skills you need to either take on your first race, get a PB or just get fit. This is a weekly SHOT (short hit of training) designed to progress your ability and confidence weekly. Located at the Sport Super Centre, Runaway Bay.
Please call or message Teresa on 0414 777 319 for more information